Bookmark por Vladimir Kush

Bookmark Books symbolize wisdom, science, and doctrine. So do the greatest of them: Homer’s “The Odyssey” or Ovid’s “Metamorphoses”. But even the skillfully written novel is doomed to be a deliberate game of hints parallels, and echoes, and one word can prove to be decisive for its development. In some Holy Grail legends, the knights quest not for the chalice, but for the book and the lost word. In a painting of St. John, the disciple is depicted as being submerged in the Book of Revelation. The artist creates an atmosphere of absorption in the book with the flat paper person and soft transitions from the ochreous to blue and dark-blue colors. A metaphor “person,” the bookmark in the painting can signify the obtained word of revelation so essential for the person lost in the modern “information noise” of mass communication. 

Vladimir Kush é um artista fantástico =)

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14 anos atrás

Está excelente! 🙂

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    Olá a todos, sejam muito bem-vindos! O meu nome é Sofia Teixeira e sou a autora do BranMorrighan, o meu blogue pessoal criado a 13 de Dezembro de 2008.

    O nome tem origens no fantástico e na mitologia celta. Bran, o abençoado, e Morrighan, a deusa da guerra, têm sido os símbolos desta aventura com mais de uma década, ambos representados por um corvo.

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