Ramverk são Hugo Therkelson e Alex Maksic, ex-dançarinos profissionais que se conheceram enquanto estudantes na The Royal Swedish Ballet School. Foi nos meandros de dançarem em diferentes Operas pelas Europa que a primeira colaboração musical surgiu, na altura com o nome Evolver. Em 2005 o primeiro disco viria a nascer “Sparkling City Sounds”.
Vicissitudes da vida, viriam a separar-se mais tarde, reunindo-se 12 anos depois no Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts. E assim nasce Ramverk, um projecto electrónico que não deixa a dança de parte, mas antes casam as duas artes de forma a que Falling, o tema que partilho convosco, resulte numa composição criativa, apaixonada e que exige movimento.
Falling is about moving on from sadness and finding an inner strength and power to do so. It’s the first song Hugo and Alex wrote together.
Mais descobertas fresquinhas na playlist do Spotify.
Closing my eyes
As the world turns
Turns around me
Without knowing
Knowing where I’m on these cold streets
That embrace me
And keep me warm
As the earth beneath is rising
And the sky above is falling
I lose my place
I lose my place
I was hoping it’s the last time
Last time we would fall
Holding your hand
While I try to
Keep you distant
Pain in my heart
The way I lose myself without you
Pain in my heart
Pain in your heart
As the earth beneath is rising
And the sky above is falling
I lose my place
I lose my place
I was hoping it’s the last time
Last time we would fall
As the earth beneath is rising
And the sky above is falling
I lose my place
I lose my place
I was hoping it’s the last time
Last time that we’re falling
Hold my hand
Hold my hand