[FreshFindings] Stray Fossa – Are You Gonna Be Okay

Desde os primeiros segundos de Are You Gonna Be Okay que houve uma empatia imediata. Por vezes cruzamo-nos com estas canções assim, que nos dizem algo, não sabemos bem o quê. Não é só a parte instrumental, mas um pouco mais. Depois ouvimos mais uma vez e outra, a letra começa a fazer ainda mais sentido e não tarda sabemos a linha do baixo de cor e já estamos enamorados pela atmosfera que se faz sentir. É assim que vos apresento Stray Fossa, uma banda de Charlottesville, Virgínia, EUA. Curiosa, perguntei-lhe mais sobre a origem da canção: 

The original melody to the song felt a bit lethargic and slow, so Will and Zach suggested Nick revisit it. Nick went on a run to think things over. He hates running, and the melody came to him quickly. The instrumental had a bit of a plodding, melancholic feel so Nick wanted the lyrics to reflect an internal narration one may have when wandering alone out and about in society. All of the external stimuli cause your thoughts to spring around, but you are still very much in your own world.

Are You Gonna Be Okay evolved from a previous song that we had played live but which never felt completed. The song came about originally from a guitar arrangement by Will with Zach’s bass being written on top.

We wanted to revisit this old tune and decided to start over. We came up with this arrangement with a completely new verse/chorus structure and outro in one single take, everything coming together instrumentally in our attic studio seemingly out of nowhere.

Essentially we spent 5 minutes revisiting an old song demo that had staled in our minds, and a new song was born. Songs don’t always happen that way, but we they do you’ve gotta run with it.

E nós estamos muito felizes que esta música surgiu nesses 5 minutos, sem dúvida alguma. 

Mais FreshFindings na playlist do Spotify. 

I wanted to get out there anyway,

try to catch a cold in for the day.

To see a film meant more decisions,

and no one watches television.

It’s not that I could help it; to start

I was a kid and cut my own hair in the dark—

belief I found annoying.

The talk of death could get so boring.

Time goes to waste in a year,

and I’m hoping

that we’ll remain friends.

Are you gonna be


Bet you’re thinking that there must be more to this,

window shopping in a life that you made of glass.

Oh won’t you tell me what you’re feeling,

not another reason.

Look around a land of fibers at the cars,

at the stores all pushing nothing and at once;

hope that you enjoy it—

not that you can own it.

Smile, are you really there,

and you’ll give it

everything that you can?

Timeless and mean in the end,

and you dare it,

all we left unsaid.

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    Olá a todos, sejam muito bem-vindos! O meu nome é Sofia Teixeira e sou a autora do BranMorrighan, o meu blogue pessoal criado a 13 de Dezembro de 2008.

    O nome tem origens no fantástico e na mitologia celta. Bran, o abençoado, e Morrighan, a deusa da guerra, têm sido os símbolos desta aventura com mais de uma década, ambos representados por um corvo.

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