Descobrindo Wide Waters com Daylight on Haven’s Cove

Já com algum tempo de atraso, mas eis que vos apresento Wide Waters. Banda de música instrumental/ambiental, a puxar um pouquinho ao postrock mais suave. As várias texturas sonoras que exploram, misturando percussão, piano, guitarras lânguidas e distorções suaves, levam-nos de mão dada a uma viagem que é bastante pessoal. Existe ainda uma magia muito cândida nesta canção. Tal como poderão ler pelo testemunho da banda, a própria composição é ela mesma uma procura e os diferentes momentos, com os seus diferentes tons mais acústicos ou mais trabalhados, acompanham esse crescimento e essa procura de identidade. Sem dúvida um projecto cheio de potencial e no qual devemos ficar de olho.

The inspiration behind this song comes from our whole concept for our new EP “Among the Pines”. We just released it on October 4th. Basically the whole EP is suppose to be someone going through a time in their life where they are not quite sure of their next step. They are unsure of themselves. The name comes from a metaphorical forest I.E “Among the Pines” which to us represents your mind and trying to find your way through the forest (mind). Daylight on Haven’s Cove is actually a more happy song. When we wrote this song we pictured breaking through to this almost weird calmness and acceptance of where you are going and what you are doing and who you are becoming as a person. At the beginning it almost lulls you into this hypnotic repetitive thing going on between the piano and guitar and drums which can be unnerving for some. I picture this doing the same thing over as a the old person you once were finally it gets to the middle where the whole mood changes and it becomes pretty you have just arrived and broken through out of the “forest” and your on the Cove. You are beginning to see what this new person can be and you enjoy it and see the beauty in it. Finally the name comes from a actually Cove that I used to go out in with my grandpa called Haven’s Cove during the summer. We would go fishing and I remember being a little kid and totally myself.

Mais descobertas fresquinhas na playlist do Spotify.

Sobre a Banda:

Cinematic ambient soundscapes that echo with nature, leading a journey of self-exploration colliding and intertwining with technology. Intense, at times ethereal, with adaptive emotional content immersing the listener in an emotive journey to discovering ourselves.

The band is Justin Krass – Piano, Sam Stauff – Guitar, Phil Anthony – Bass and John Venezia – Drums. And, is an evolution stemming from Justin and Sam making music with Wess Meets West and steering away from post-rock towards ambient, subdued new-wave classical music, exploring textures in a minimalistic soundscape incorporating moments of rock and opera.

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    Olá a todos, sejam muito bem-vindos! O meu nome é Sofia Teixeira e sou a autora do BranMorrighan, o meu blogue pessoal criado a 13 de Dezembro de 2008.

    O nome tem origens no fantástico e na mitologia celta. Bran, o abençoado, e Morrighan, a deusa da guerra, têm sido os símbolos desta aventura com mais de uma década, ambos representados por um corvo.

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